1、庆典鼓乐《中华鼓宴》 作曲:安志顺 4’45’’
“Drum Feast In China”(celebration of percussion music ) By: An Zhishun
2、打击乐与琵琶《滴水诉情》 作曲:安志顺 7’45’’
“Drips Expressing the Feelings”(percussion and pipas) By: An Zhishun
3、组合打击乐《大唐六骏》 作曲:安志顺 6’25’’
“Six Steeds of the Tang Dynasty”(a percussion ensembie) By:An Zhishun
4、打击乐合奏《乘风破浪》 作曲:安志顺 4’57’’
“Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves”(a percussion ensembie)
By: An Zhishun
5、打击乐与笙《春莺啭》 作曲:安志顺 王厚臣 6’20’’
“The Singing of Spring Orioles” (percussion music and shengs)
By: An Zhishun Wang Houcheng
6、打击乐合奏《老虎磨牙》 作曲:安志顺 3’44’’
“The Tiger Grinding its Teeth” (a tutti of percussion music)
By:An Zhishun
7、打击乐与弹拨乐《遨游月宫》 作曲:安志顺 7’38’’
“Walking on the Moon”(percussion and string music) By: An Zhishun
8、梅花鼓与乐队《双龙戏梅》作曲:安志顺 孙尔敏 5’12’’
“Two Dragons Playing with the plum flower”
(the rosette drum and the band) by: An Zhishun Sun Ermin
9、打击乐与口笛《鹦鹉学舌》 作曲:安志顺 5’07’’
“The Parrots ** Mechanical Imitation” (percussion and flut)