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[各年级试题卷] 2020-2021学年福建漳州七年级上英语期末试卷.

发表于 2024-5-15 15:33:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1.  The little boy wants ______ orange pencil.
A./    B.an    C.a

2.  —Is this your ruler?
—No. ______ is in the schoolbag.
A.Hers    B.His    C.Mine

3.  Michael and his grandparents live ______ a farm.
A.on    B.in    C.at

4.  My aunt works in a hospital. She is a ______.
A.farmer    B.nurse    C.teacher

5.  —She isn't ______ today. Do you know why?
—She can't find her new bike.
A.fine    B.happy    C.cute

6.  It's 12: 00. I would like something ______.
A.eating    B.eat    C.to eat

7.  —______, can I ask you a question?
A.Excuse me    B.I'm sorry    C.That's right

8.  —What does the boy ______?
—He is tall and has big eyes.
A.look like    B.look at    C.look for

9.  Miss Wang teaches ______ Chinese. We all like her.
A.ours    B.us    C.our

10.  Ann and Lisa are in different classes, ______ they are good friends.
A.but    B.if    C.so

11.  —Can Linda speak Chinese?
—Yes. She can speak it ______.
A.well    B.good    C.nice

12.  —I don't like going shopping. ______ playing with Kitty?
—That's great.
A.Would you like    B.Why not    C.What about

13.  —______ is the chicken, please?
—Twenty yuan a kilo.
A.How heavy    B.How much    C.How many

14.  从下面三个选项中,找出划线部分与其它两个读音不同的选项。
A.bike    B.tin    C.kite

15.  从下面三个选项中,找出划线部分与其它两个读音不同的选项。
A.school    B.zoo    C.book

Dingding Clothes Shop

     Brand(商标): Anta
Color: green, pink, black
Price(价格): ¥70 each, but ¥130 for two   

     Brand: Polo
Color: black, blue, white
Price: ¥80 each and get a toy for free

     Brand : Li Ning
Color: red, yellow, gray
Price: ¥98 each, but ¥170 for two   

     Brand: Nike
Color: purple, black, brown
Price: ¥178 each and get a cap for free

(1)How much are two jackets?
A.¥130.    B.¥98.    C.¥170.    D.¥196.

(2)If you buy a pair of shoes, you can get a ______ for free.
A.bag    B.toy    C.T-shirt    D.cap

(3)If you want a pair of pants, what brand can you buy?
A.Polo.    B.Li Ning.    C.Nike.    D.Anta.

(4)If you just have 75 yuan, what can you buy?
A.A pair of shoes.    B.A jacket.    C.A pair of pants.    D.A T-shirt.

(5)From the passage(段落), we know ______.
A.we buy a jacket and get a cap for free
B.two pairs of pants are ¥160
C.we can buy a dress in Dingding Clothes Shop
D.we can buy blue shoes in the shop

In many English homes, people have four meals(餐)a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
English people have breakfast from 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning. They eat eggs and bread. They drink tea or milk for breakfast, too. Lunch often comes at about 1:00 in the afternoon. Afternoon tea is from 4:00 to 5:00, and dinner is at about 7:30 in the evening. They often have soup(汤), meat, chicken or fish with vegetables. After(在……之后)that they often eat some bananas, apples, oranges or some other fruits(水果). But not all English people have meals like that. Some of them don't have dinner in the evening.
All these meals are very simple(简单的). Some people often eat dinner with their friends or families at a restaurant or at homes.

(1)How many meals do many English people have in a day?
A.Four.    B.Two.    C.Five.    D.Three.

(2)An Englishman may have breakfast at ______.
A.10:30 a.m.    B.6:30 a.m.    C.1:00 p.m.    D.8:00 a.m.

(3)People in England often have ______ for dinner.
A.milk    B.bread    C.soup    D.eggs

(4)From the passage, we know ______.
A.English people often eat fruits after dinner
B.English people don't have lunch at all
C.all English people have dinner in the evening
D.English people eat some fish for breakfast

(5)The passage is mainly(主要地)about ______.
A.where the English people have meals
B.what the English people have
C.who the English people have meals with
D.when the English people have dinner

Today, a little monkey comes down from the hill. He goes to a cornfield(玉米地)and sees a lot of big corns. He picks(摘)one and goes on.
The little monkey takes the con and comes to an apple tree. He sees a big red apple. He is very happy and throws(扔)the com away and picks the apple.
The little monkey comes to a watermelon(西瓜)field when he takes the apple. When he sees the big round watermelons, he is very happy. He throws down the apple to pick watermelons. The little monkey takes a big watermelon back. When he is walking, he sees a lovely little rabbit jumping around. The little monkey is very happy and throws the watermelon to run after it. The rabbit runs away, so the little monkey has to go home with nothing.

(1)How many corns does the little monkey pick?
A.Three.    B.One.    C.Four.    D.Two.

2020-2021学年福建漳州七年级上英语期末试卷.zip (访问密码: 6688)

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